Our location.

We are located at:
302 E. Jackson St.
Muncie, IN 47305
The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County purchased the building in June 2022 after looking for new space as early as 2019. CFMD Real Estate LLC owns the building. CFMD Real Estate is a single entity LLC with the Foundation’s Board of Directors as the single entity.
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the most common questions we receive are answered below.
Our previous home in the Muncie Power Products building served us well for 23 years. Over the two decades spent in that office, generous donors helped us increase our assets to more than $80 million. We added more than 300 new funds. Grantmaking now exceeds more than $3 million each year. To manage growth, our staff increased to nine. A new innovative five-year strategic plan was approved in 2021. The need for more office space was clear and included in the strategic plan.
Foundation leadership began the search for a suitable space for the next 20+ years as early as 2019. When the building at 302 E. Jackson became available in 2022, the Board of Directors seized the opportunity to create a permanent home for The Community Foundation by purchasing the building.
The Community Foundation, under the direction of the Board of Directors, purchased the building located at 302 E. Jackson in June of 2022. Following professional accounting guidance, a single entity LLC was established later that year to account for and hold the property separately. The Community Foundation Board of Directors is the single entity of CFMD Real Estate LLC and provides governance. Ownership of the building was officially transferred from The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County to CFMD Real Estate LLC in late 2022. The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County then became a tenant of CFMD Real Estate LLC, holding a long-term lease.
CFMD Real Estate LLC has two tenants in the building – The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County and Beasley Gilkison LLP. At this time, there is no plan to take on additional tenants. In 2023, CFMD Real Estate LLC reviewed and approved a series of building infrastructure projects to make future tenancy and community use opportunities possible. Those projects include the installation of a new chiller, an elevator conversion, parking lot resurfacing, and replacing an antiquated septic system. The projects are in progress.
Two conference rooms are available for community meetings. The David Sursa Board Room seats up to 14. The Delaware Conference Room seats 6. These rooms are offered first to tenants of the building and then to others in the community. Please email buildingsupport@cfmdin.org for availability and to request a reservation.
The Community Foundation’s Board of Directors has a strong history of moving slowly with a purpose and is applying this same approach to the building. Working strategically, the Board is evaluating options. We anticipate working with a consultant to assess opportunities for community needs, feasibility, and cost. We will find a solution that uses the space in a way that benefits The Community Foundation and the community. While many suggestions have been shared, no plans for the unoccupied or undeveloped sections of the building have been solidified.
There are currently no plans for either Supporting Organization of The Community Foundation (BY5 or Nonprofit Support Network) to move into the building.