What We Do

The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County gives more than $3 million in grants and scholarships to organizations and students in our community each year. These funds come from donor contributions which develop a continual source of charitable assets used to benefit our community today, tomorrow, and always.
Mission, Vision, and Values
The Community Foundation of Muncie & Delaware County, Inc. encourages philanthropy, assists donors in building an enduring source of charitable assets, and exercises leadership in directing resources to enhance the quality of life for residents of Muncie and Delaware County.
To impact and empower Muncie and Delaware County by enabling philanthropy as a trusted community leader and promoting positive change now and for generations to come.
The Community Foundation values the understanding of, importance of, and involvement in charitable giving to the people of Muncie and Delaware County.
The Community Foundation values its ability to serve as a community convener around issues and needs of Delaware County.
The Community Foundation values the ability of all citizens in Muncie and Delaware County to give and serve for the common good of the community.
Strategic Directives
To contribute to the community today, tomorrow, and always, our staff, board, and volunteers:
Explore and act in service of the community
Cultivate donor relationships
Support local nonprofit organizations
2022-2026 Strategic Plan Goals
Goal 1: Increase awareness of The Community Foundation
Goal 2: Expand donor relations
Goal 3: Strengthen relationships & opportunities with partner funders
Goal 4: Enhance grantmaking in response to Picture, Purpose, Practice statement
Goal 5: Show support to nonprofits beyond traditional grantmaking
Goal 6: Improve efficiency & sustainability of the scholarship program
Goal 7: Encourage and influence shared community results
Goal 8: Explore and develop impact investing program
Goal 9: Build operational sustainability and efficiencies
Financial Overview
2024 Community Grants by Area of Interest
Arts & Culture
Human Services
Community Betterment
Economic Development

Grants Totaled: $3,769,620
2024 Year-End Donation Statistics
Total Contributions
Total Number of Gifts
Total Number of Donors
Total Number of New Donors
Total Number of New Funds
List of Funds
Living legacies that grow and change with the community, used for grants to nonprofit organizations serving Muncie and Delaware County.
Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation
Alexander T. and Kallie Kiger Sulanke Fund
Alpha Center Fund
Alpha Center Liability Fund
Anna Winick Schwartz Memorial Fund
Bassett Family Fund
Beard-Branscum Fund
Beulah M. Frogge Fund
Brandon Hamilton and Sara Shade Hamilton Fund
Casey and Jennifer Stanley Family Fund
Charles and Claudia Sursa Unrestricted Endowment Fund
Dain and Amanda Kavars Family Fund
Daniel and Catharine Stewart Fund
Daniel and Lynne Stallings Fund
David and Mary Jane Sursa Fund
Derron and Charity Bishop Fund
Edgar Faulkner Sr./Ermal S. Roundtree Fund
Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Fund
Esther Ball Fund
Faye Wingate Fund
Forrest L. and Mary E. Bowers Fund
Francis Lafferty Fund
Gary Addison Fund
Gary and Amy Thomas Fund
Gayle and Jeannine Harrold Fund
Gordon and Pam Cox Fund
Greg and Molly Harty Fund
Hamer and Phyllis Shafer Fund
Heeter Family Fund
Jack and Thelma Peckinpaugh Fund
James, Kate and Sagan Murray Family Fund
James Updike and Munjot Sahu Family Fund
Jane E. Hughes Fund
Jane Harrell Buckles Fund
Jason and Marcy Minton Fund
Jay and Karen Moorman Fund
Jeanne and John Smith Unrestricted Fund
Jeff and Beth Lang Fund
Jeff and Sue Bird Fund
Jim and Mary Rosema Fund
John and Janice Fisher Unrestricted Endowment Fund
John and Katherine Littler Fund
John C. Kelly and Marcia Ressler Kelly Fund
Jon and Barbara Moll Fund
Joseph and Janet Wilson Unrestricted Endowment Fund
J. Richard and Elizabeth Pogue Marshall Unrestricted Endowment Fund
J. Robert and Joanne N. Baur Fund
Julian and Suzanne Gresham Fund
Kent Shuff and Steve Fennimore Fund
Laura Stanley Keppler Fund
Laura Sursa Crampton Family Fund
LEAP Managed IT Fund
Linda and Connie Gregory Fund
Louisa and Waldo Beebe Unrestricted Endowment Fund
Mac and Lila Warrell Endowment Fund
Mark and Molly Ervin Fund
Martin D. and Helen B. Schwartz Unrestricted Named Endowment Fund
Mary Jane Sursa Fund
Mary Kate Pingry Fund
Maxon Foundation Fund
Michael and Carolyn Grieves Fund
Michael O. and Nicole T. Lunsford Fund
Mid-West Metal Products Fund
Mike and Cathy Galliher Fund
MutualBank Charitable Foundation Fund
Old National Bank Fund
Ontario Systems-Wil Davis and Ron Fauquher Fund
Pat and Jane Botts Fund
Patrick and Marilyn Cleary Fund
Ric and Lisa Dwenger Family Fund
Ron and Cheryl Fauquher Fund
Roni Johnson Family Fund
Shafer/Muncie Power Products Legacy Fund
Stefan and Joan Anderson Unrestricted Fund
Steven and Barbara Smith Fund
Todd and Janie Murray Family Fund
Trent and Karen Dowling Fund
Wayne and Mia Johnson Fund
Wayne E. and Carolyn K. Thomas Fund
William and Juanita Bruns Fund
William and Margaret Dutton Fund
Supports a cause without naming specific charities.
1924 Community Trust Fund
5000th Charitable Fund, Inc. Fund
Albany Fund in Memory of the Frazee Family
Ball Corporation Community Betterment Fund
Bill and Nancy Mitchell Living Well in Delaware County Fund
Community Leadership Fund
Day Star Center Fund
Economic Development Fund
Ellen Lacey Endowment Fund for Companion Animals
Environmental Impact Fund
Gaston Town Endowment Fund
Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund
Historical Preservation Fund
Howard and Erma McVicker Endowment Fund
Jeanne and John Smith Fund
John and Janice Fisher Quality of Place Endowment Fund
KAKATU Foundation/David and Joanna Meeks Fund
Larry and Barbara Ottinger Fund
Larry Dollison Fund
Liberty Perry Selma Town Endowment Fund
Michael L and Jacqueline J Johnston Fund
Morris Youth Fund
Muncie Power Products Community Impact Fund
Mutual Legacy Fund
Nancy J. Smith Fund
Public Art Fund
Public Art Pass-Through Fund
Robert and Janet Stratton Fund
Robert P. Bell Teacher Grant Fund
Ronald Brown Family Fund
The Endowment for the Arts Fund
Town of Yorktown Endowment Fund
Youth as Resources Fund
Select a particular charity or charities to benefit from your endowed gift.
A Better Way - Shelter for Domestic Violence Fund
Tiny Adams "Toys for Tots" Endowment Fund
Albany Community Library Endowment Fund
Animal Rescue Fund (ARF)
Appeal to the Great Spirit Fund
Isabell Urban Ball Library Music Center Fund
Albert E. and Mary E. Baur Fund
R. Donald and Susan A. Bell Memorial Fund
Bethel Church/Historic Bethel Cemetery Fund
Beyond I CAN Fund
Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie Educational Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Muncie Fund
Buley Center Endowment Fund
BY5 Early Childhood Endowment Fund
Cardinal Greenway Fund
CASA of Delaware County Fund
Christian Ministries of Delaware County Fund
Christian Student Foundation Legacy Fund
Jane R. Church Community Music Fund
Community Enhancement Projects Maintenance Fund
Cornerstone Center for the Arts Fund
Cornerstone HVAC Fund
Cornerstone Center for the Arts - Program Fund
John M. Craddock Wetland Nature Preserve Fund
Daleville Community Library Fund
Delaware Advancement Corporation Fund
Delaware Community Schools Educational Foundation Fund
Delaware County 4-H Clubs, Inc. Fund
Delaware County BY5 Early Childhood Initiative
Delaware County Historical Society Fund
Eaton Public Library Fund
Eden Church Fund
Fieldhouse Renovation Fund
Dub and Nancy Fike Fund/Ball Memorial Hospital Foundation
Dub and Nancy Fike Covenant Christian High School Fund
Dub and Nancy Fike Damar Services Fund
MCM/Dub & Nancy Fike Family Fund
Dub and Nancy Fike Family Fund for MCS Children's Clothing Bank
Dub and Nancy Fike/Riley Children's Hospital Fund
Dub and Nancy Fike Tabernacle Presbyterian Church Fund
Dub and Nancy Fike Fund/United Way of Delaware County
Nancy Finan "The Hair Goddess" Fund
First Choice for Women Fund
First Presbyterian Church Maintenance Fund
First Presbyterian Church Youth Programs Fund
Flags of Honor & Exchange Club of Muncie Fund
Molly Flodder TEAMwork for Quality Living Fund
Friends of Beech Grove Fund
Suzanne Gresham Center Fund
Habitat for Humanity Fund
Herbert H. Hamilton Charitable Fund
Herbert H. Hamilton Charitable Designated Fund II
Heritage Hall Christian School Fund
Hillcroft Services Fund
Home Savers of Delaware County Fund
Ruby Hughes Memorial Fund of Friends of the YOC, Inc.
Indiana Public Radio Fund
Isanogel Campership Fund
Isanogel Center Fund
Flo Lapin Center for Middletown Studies Fund
LifeStream Fund
Martin Luther King Dream Team Fund
Masterworks Chorale Fund
Meridian Health Services Fund
Minnetrista Cultural Foundation Fund
Mock Fund for Special Education
Pat and Bruce Moore Family Fund
Pat K. Moore Pre-Kindergarten Memorial Fund
Jean W. and Mora Morris Fund for Youth
Motivate Our Minds Fund
Motivate Our Minds/Fred Wenger Scholars Fund
Muncie Action Plan Fund
Muncie Animal Care Fund
Muncie Animal Shelter Roof Fund
Muncie Arts and Culture Council Fund
Muncie Children's Museum Fund
Muncie Civic Theatre Fund
MCS CEO Endowment Fund
Muncie Community Schools Fund
Muncie Delaware County Senior Citizens Center Fund
Muncie Endurathon/Lenette Freeman Fund
Muncie Mission Ministries, Inc. Fund
Muncie OUTreach Fund
Muncie Parks and Recreation Endowment Fund
Muncie Parks and Recreation Pass-Thru Fund
Muncie Skate Park Fund
MSO Endowment Fund
MSO Fisher/Shafer Honorary Fund
MSO Outreach & Youth Symphonies Fund
NAACP Muncie Branch Fund
Charles and Mary Newmier Benefit Fund
NonproFIT Support Network
Old National Bank Fund for Muncie Community Schools
Open Door Health Services Judith B. Roepke Fund
Passing of the Buffalo Fund
Richard L. and Regina B. Peck Fund
Red-tail Land Conservancy Fund
Al Rent Honorary IPR/WIPB Public Media Student Fund
Jerry and Nanette Rushton First Presbyterian Church Fund
Salvation Army Food Pantry Fund
Anna Winick Schwartz Memorial Fund
Sharon & Andrew Seager Fund
Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana, Inc. Fund
Shafer Leadership Academy Fund
Soup Kitchen of Muncie Fund
Special Olympics Indiana Delaware County Fund
John R. and Mary K. Stanley Fund
David and Mary Jane Sursa Trust Fund
Mary Jane & David Sursa Muncie Symphony Orchestra Fund
Mary Frances Thomas Library Fund
Helen L. Towne Designated Fund
Tuhey Pool Endowment Fund
Tuhey Pool Pass Through Fund
United Day Care Center Fund
United Way of Delaware County Legacy Fund
Urban Light Community Development Endowment Fund
Village Foundation Fund
Wheeler Orchid Collection and Species Bank Fund
White River Corridor Maintenance Fund
Janet A. Wilson Memorial Fund
James Wingate Sr. Memorial Fund
YMCA of Muncie Camp Crosley Fund
YMCA of Muncie Fund
Yorktown Community Schools Education Fund
Youth Opportunity Center Fund
Jay S. Zimmerman Memorial Fund
Take a role in recommending what nonprofit organizations will benefit from grants.
Stefan and Joan Anderson Fund
Michael N. Baur Fund
Waldo and Louisa Beebe Donor Advised Fund
Brown Family Charitable Fund
Buckles Family Fund
Schuyler and Mary Louise Buck Fund
Durham Veterinary Trust Fund
The Fauquher Family Fund
First Merchants Bank Charitable Fund
Funders Forum Fund
Jane E. Hughes Education Fund
Kid Aid Fund
Kiwanis Club of Muncie Fund
Michael and Nicole Lunsford Charitable Fund
Kirk and Deb Mace Memorial Foundation Fund
Keith and Elaine Miller Fund
Old National Bank Charitable Fund
Jack and Thelma Peckinpaugh Fund
Ray Family Fund
Ross Family Fund
Rotary Club of Muncie Fund
Pat Schaefer Donor Advised Pass-Thru Fund
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Indiana Gamma Charities Endowment Fund
Steve and Barbara Smith Donor Advised Fund
Van & Margaret Smith Family Fund
Dylan T. Stafford Memorial Fund
Charles V. and Claudia B. Sursa Family Fund
Natalie LaShay Teague Fund
Terhune Fund
Robert A. and Beverly D. Terhune Fund
Tri Kappa Fund
Walker Family Donor Advised Fund
Douglas and Katherine White Fund
Providing financial support to students in our community.
Sarah E. Adams Scholarship Fund
Gary W. Addison Scholarship Fund
Patricia K. and Franklyn D. Brinkman, Sr. Nursing Scholarship Fund
Michael Brodhead Scholarship Fund
Schuyler and Mary Louise Buck Scholarship Fund
Ashley Burgauer Scholarship Fund
E.A. and E.E. Burgess Memorial Scholarship Fund
J. Burgess Memorial Scholarship Fund
Burris Class of 1949 Angie Wilson Scholarship Fund
Adam Cline Scholarship Fund
Max V. Creviston and Nellie Cathrine Scholarship Fund
Delaware Community School Corporation Scholarship Fund
Delta Eagles Wrestling Scholarship Fund
Tom Devine Memorial Scholarship Fund
East Central Opportunities Scholarship Fund
eKeeper Systems Unparalleled Excellence Scholarship Fund
William Flannery Scholarship Fund
Hurley C. and Fredine (Wynn) Goodall Scholarship Fund
Zach Greenwalt Scholarship Fund
Ollie Mae Hammond Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sue Harris Unsung Hero Scholarship Fund
Jenny Haskell Memorial Scholarship Fund
Michele Barnhart Hires Scholarship Fund
Janice Paige Hughes Scholarship Fund
Martha Hunt Landscape Architecture Scholarship Fund
Jon Hunter Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lathrop P. Johnson Scholarship Fund
E.K. Keesling Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kishel Art Scholarship Fund
Alice Miriam Kitselman Scholarship Fund
Jim Leffler Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robbin S. Lindsey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carolyn A. Lucas Scholarship Fund
Grace K. Maring Scholarship Fund
Robert and Wanda McKibben Scholarship Fund
Dr. William J. and Thelma V. McNabney Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Albert O. Miller Scholarship Fund
Kenneth R. and Glenda D. Miller Scholarship Fund
Muncie Elks Lodge 245/H. Wayne Standerford Scholarship Fund
Muncie Southside Spirit Scholarship Fund
Murray's Jewelers Scholarship Fund
Jerry Parrish Scholarship Fund
Owen H. Ramey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Braden R. Reynolds Memorial Construction Management Scholarship Fund
Arthur D. and Josephine M. Robling Scholarship Fund
Ross Family Autism Scholarship Fund
Kathleen Rozelle-Camplin Scholarship Fund
Nicholas Brooks Sherfy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Steve Shondell Scholarship Fund
Dylan T. Stafford We Before Me Scholarship Fund
Barb Stedman Honors College Scholarship Fund
Charles W. and Jane (Klipsch) Thomas Scholarship Fund
Robert L. Thompson Scholarship Fund
George and Nelda Van Laningham Scholarship Fund
Rex A. Waldo II Scholarship Fund
Bobby Watters Scholarship Fund
Charles L. Whitehair Memorial Scholarship Fund
Wilfred Wingate Scholarship Fund
Yorktown Lions Club Scholarship Fund