Your Neighbors: Leading, managing,
and operating.
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Casey Stanley,
Mia Johnson,
Vice Chair
Magi Kirkpatrick Sikora,
Dave Heeter,
Sara Shade Hamilton,
Ex Officio
John W. Anderson, Jr.
Derron Bishop
Jaime Faulkner
Jennifer Gibson
Daniel Stallings

Marcy Minton
President & CEO
Marcy leads the Foundation's operations. By establishing relationships across the community, she links the Foundation's work to the community's priorities. Marcy brings professional experience in nonprofits and for-profits, including years of grantmaking experience at the Foundation. She is a fourth-generation resident of Delaware County and a graduate of Cowan High School, Indiana University, and Ball State University.
Kallie Sulanke
Chief Community Partner for Outreach & Donor Relations
Kallie partners with the Foundation's new and existing donors to help them meet their charitable goals and inspire giving through good storytelling. Kallie has an educational and professional background in communications. She graduated from Yorktown High School and Ball State University and now lives in Muncie.
Amanda Kavars
Chief Community Partner for Program & Nonprofit Relations
Amanda oversees and manages the grantmaking processes and works with volunteers on the related committees. She works side-by-side with nonprofit organizations serving Muncie and Delaware County to build strong relationships and help create lasting change. Amanda is a Minnesota native but has been part of the Muncie and Delaware County community since 2006.
Carol Kosisko
Community Partner for Donor Relations
Carol partners with donors and potential donors of The Community Foundation, focusing on stewardship to grow the assets of The Community Foundation to help meet the needs of the community. She is a Ball State University graduate and has been part of the Muncie and Delaware County community since 1983.
Molly Harty
Community Partner for Program & Nonprofit Relations
Molly builds relationships with nonprofit organizations to support community grantmaking. She can often be found connecting with school administrators and counselors, teachers, and nonprofit organizations serving the rural communities in Delaware County. Molly is a life-long resident of Delaware County. She attended Delta High School and graduated from the Entrepreneurship program at Ball State University.
Trina Bowling
Finance Officer
Trina manages the finances and accounting of the Foundation to ensure community assets are here today, tomorrow, and always. Trina has a degree in accounting and more than 20 years of experience in financial institutions. Trina attended Southside High School and holds a degree in accounting from Purdue University Global. She calls the Cowan community home.
Rachel Lunsford
Operations Support Manager
Rachel orchestrates the daily operations of The Community Foundation, supporting all business functions and providing executive support to the president. She brought to the Foundation experience in management, leadership, and customer service. Rachel grew up in Jay County, graduated from Texas Bible College, and now lives in Yorktown.
Haylee Biddle
Outreach & Donor Relations Manager
Haylee promotes the work of the Foundation through external communication. She acknowledges and receipts all gifts to the Foundation and supports print publications, electronic communications, and digital media. Haylee grew up in Anderson, attended Anderson University and recently moved to Muncie.
Paige Brown
Program & Nonprofit Relations Manager
Paige executes the programs of the Foundation, including grants and scholarship administration, distribution of designated funds, and creating and implementing process improvements. Paige brings to the team years of customer service and administrative experience. She is a Ball State University graduate and has proudly resided in Muncie since 2015.

Casey Stanley, Chair
Mia Johnson
Magi Kirkpatrick Sikora
Dave Heeter -
Ronald K. Fauquher, Chair
Jennifer Gibson
Thomas J. Kinghorn
Sarah McCord
Mark Price
Carol E. Seals
Daniel Stallings
Rob Tyler
Tom Heck (advisory) -
Kathy White, Chair
Trent Dowling
Mark A. Ervin
Michael B. Galliher
Erika Hayes
David W. Heeter
Kristen Keisling
Carol Seals
Casey Stanley
Steven Wachtmann -
Sara Shade Hamilton, Chair
John W. Anderson Jr.
Rateira Dodds-Simmons
Ermalene Faulkner
Jaime Faulkner
Olivia Fellows
Molly Flodder
Keith Gary
Charlize Jamieson
Lathay Pegues -
Derron Bishop
Magi Kirkpatrick Sikora
Sara Shade Hamilton
Casey Stanley -
Impact Investing
Jay Allardt
Ben Freeman
Jason Harrington
Jeff Huff
Carol Seals
Magi Kirkpatrick Sikora
Steve Slavin -
Derron Bishop
Rateira Dodds-Simmons
Mark Foerster
Aileen Howard
Marchal Hudson
Ryan Hunter
Mia Johnson
Jared Quarles
Ali Starkey -
Donor Relations
Quiana Clemens
Marcia Kelly
Kate Murray
Daniel Stallings -
Albany Fund
Lance Engle
Tony Evans
Barb Frazee
Kristen McConnell
Clyde Shaffer
Ryan Vannatter -
Gaston Town Endowment Fund
Lisa Brown
Trent Dowling
Dick Johnson
Kyle Mealy
Brandon Petro
James Wormer -
Liberty Perry Selma Town Endowment Fund
Larry Crabtree
Amy Dudley
Theresa Johnson
Daniel Kauffman
Brandon Morvilius
Kristy Thompson -
Town of Yorktown Endowment Fund
Edward Armantrout
Carolyn Gant
Sarah McCord
Bryan Smith
Samantha Taylor -
Kitselman Fund
Jon Moll, Chair
Steve Anderson
Steven Smith
Franky Voss
Jim Williams -
Mutual Legacy Fund
R. Donn Roberts, chair
Linn Crull
Dave Heeter
Carol Seals
Sara Shade Hamilton
Our History
Started by the community for the community.
The Community Foundation began in 1985 as the result of the Ball Brothers Foundation and Ball family members. Realizing the benefit that a community-supported, community-focused organization would provide, Ed Ball came up with the novel idea of creating a community foundation and initiated a $1 million matching challenge to help it get started.
A group of community leaders gathered in April of 1985 to meet the challenge. The concept of a community foundation was new, and they did not have the advantage of a website or social media to spread the word or explain the concept.
“In many ways the community was ready for this,” recalls Stefan Anderson, who helped lead the effort to establish the Foundation. “We didn’t need the Internet in those days because we did our speaking through grants. That caused an awareness to develop.”
Within its first year the money was raised and three nonprofits – the YMCA, the local NAACP Scholarship Fund, and the Muncie Civic Theatre – had benefited from grants. “Word of mouth was instrumental,” says Anderson. “And we had wonderfully cooperative newspapers that went out of their way to communicate the Foundation’s programs.”
Roni Johnson joined The Community Foundation in 1986 when the Foundation was in the midst of a second million-dollar-match challenge. As she set up her makeshift office in larger office buildings, Johnson recalls that one of the biggest challenges in those first few years was trying to figure things out as they went along.
“We were the trendsetter in our state. We were one of only six foundations that were up and running at the time. We didn’t have a state organization holding out a hand. When we got started, the challenge was finding resources that were available to model ourselves after.”
Anderson believes his colleagues who gave of their time and resources to create one of Indiana’s oldest community foundations would be pleased, but not shocked, at its subsequent success.
“If we had a crystal ball in 1985, I think we would have foreseen the growth ahead, but we would not have anticipated that growth in assets and grants would be on such a dramatic upward curve. That has been impressive. The idea at the outset was not to focus on assets but to maximize our granting capacity and the impact of our grants. And it’s worked.”
Brand Resources
We want to be part of your story.
The Community Foundation welcomes our grantees and partners to use our name and logo when appropriate in promotional materials.
Please refer to our brand guide for the correct usage of our logo, fonts and brand colors. You can also download a .png copy of our logo in two layouts - horizontal or vertical. Please contact Kallie Sulanke, Chief Community Partner for Outreach & Donor Relations, if you require the logo in another format or have questions.