$249K Awarded to Community Organizations
Community Organizations Awarded Grants
The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County awarded $249,100 in Community Grants this quarter.
Beginning in 2023, The Community Foundation shifted to a Community Grants program. Nonprofit organizations have a wide-open door for applications instead of separate applications for multiple grants programs through the Foundation. Organizations interested in applying for funding are encouraged to connect with Foundation staff.
The flexibility of Community Grants allows the Foundation's Program and Nonprofit Relations team to develop a deeper understanding of the needs within the community. That knowledge enables Foundation staff and volunteers to connect nonprofits to resources and gives nonprofits more time to focus on their mission work.
The Board of Directors of The Community Foundation approved 19 Community Grants totaling $249,100 during the third quarter of 2023.
Action for Animals received $16,000 (from the Ellen Lacey Endowment Fund for Companion Animals) to reduce the cost of controlling stray cats and kittens and provide assistance for animal care to low-income Delaware County residents.
Ambassadors for Gods Creatures received $10,000 (from the Ellen Lacey Endowment Fund for Companion Animals) to provide financial assistance to pet owners on public assistance and care for community cats and dogs.
The Community Foundation’s third quarter grants included $26,500 to Whitely Community Council to support core mission work and education initiatives like college visits for middle school students. Whitely Community Council conducted a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) college tour in Washington, DC, for 17 middle school students, pictured, with the support of a similar grant in 2022.
Ball State University received $5,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation and Historical Preservation Fund) to create a community-centered, open-ended, interactive online platform that allows Whitely community members to gather and share place-based histories of the neighborhood, historical sources, and personal spatial biographies.
College Mentors for Kids received $12,500 (from the Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund and Mutual Legacy Fund) to support its mentor program that matches Muncie elementary students with BSU college student volunteers.
Cornerstone Center for the Arts received $20,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation) to meet emergency needs.
Daleville Community Schools received $1,500 (from the Ellen Lacey Fund for Companion Animals) to support food and veterinary care for their comfort dog, Bronco.
East Central Indiana Chamber Orchestra received $4,500 (from the Stefan and Joan Anderson Unrestricted Fund and the Gordon and Pam Cox Fund) to support community orchestra concerts and provide scholarships to orchestra students.
Funders Forum Fund at The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County received $5,000 (from Mutual Legacy Fund) to engage in collaborative grantmaking.
Indiana State Police Department received $5,000 (from the Ellen Lacey Fund for Companion Animals) to purchase a K9 unit dog.
Little Red Door Cancer Agency received $12,500 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Jim and Mary Rosema Fund, and Jeanne and John Smith Unrestricted Fund) to support the nutritional supplements program, which helps cancer patients mitigate the side effects of cancer treatment.
Masterworks Chorale received $5,000 (from the Linda and Connie Gregory Fund and Mutual Legacy Fund) to support the cost of operations.
Minnetrista received $15,000 (from the Bassett Family Fund, Jane E. Hughes Fund, Laura Stanley Keppler Fund, and Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund) to support the cost of renting and installing traveling exhibits.
Muncie Arts and Culture Council received $25,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation) to provide core mission support.
Muncie Delaware County Area Senior Citizens Center received $30,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Alpha Center Fund, Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Fund, Mutual Legacy Fund, Anna Winick Schwarz Memorial Fund, and Nancy J. Smith Fund) to provide core mission support.
Recovery Café Muncie received $20,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Jeff and Beth Lang Fund, and Mutual Bank Charitable Foundation Fund) to provide core mission support.
Refugee Alliance of Delaware County, Inc. received $15,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, KAKATU Foundation/David and Joanna Meeks Fund, and Jeanne and John Smith Fund) to cover necessary costs for supporting recently resettled refugees and their families.
Selma Athletic League received $600 (from the Liberty Perry Selma Town Endowment Fund) for equipment to ensure kids can play safely during all games.
Soup Kitchen of Muncie received $20,000 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Maxon Foundation Fund, Mutual Legacy Fund, and Faye Wingate Fund) to support the cost of operations, primarily food and security.
Whitely Community Council received $26,500 (from The Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Linda and Connie Gregory Fund, Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund, Maxon Foundation Fund, and Mutual Legacy Fund) to support core mission work and education initiatives.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Grant requests are reviewed and approved quarterly. Community Grants are awarded to fund projects and programs for which there is a demonstrable community benefit in one of the following areas of interest: arts and culture, community betterment, economic development, education, and human services. For more information on Community Grants, contact The Community Foundation at 765.747.7181 or grants@cfmdin.org.
The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. encourages philanthropy, assists donors in building an enduring source of charitable assets, and exercises leadership in directing resources to enhance the quality of life for residents of Muncie and Delaware County. Since 1985, community members and businesses have helped the Foundation grow our endowment to $83 million. Using the earnings on the endowment, the Foundation distributes grants to nonprofit organizations, including scholarships to support students through post-secondary education. To date, the Foundation has awarded nearly $65 million to enhance the quality of life of the residents of Muncie and Delaware County.