2023 Sursa Leadership Award
J.P. Hall and Marta Moody Named as Recipients of the 2023 David Sursa Leadership Award
The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County has announced that J.P. Hall received the 2023 David Sursa Leadership Award to recognize his dedicated service to Halteman Village Neighborhood Association. Marta Moody is also being posthumously recognized with a David Sursa Leadership Award for her exemplary lifetime service to Cardinal Greenway.
J.P. Hall recognized with David Sursa Leadership Award.
Foundation Board Chair Sara Shade Hamilton presents the 2023 David Sursa Leadership Award to J.P. Hall for his service to Halteman Village Neighborhood Association.
Hall was nominated by Halteman Village Neighborhood Association for his impact on the neighborhood he serves and the Muncie community as a whole. In 2017, Muncie Community Schools announced plans to close Mitchell Elementary School. Hall acknowledged that this closure would impact the neighborhood. With no neighborhood governing body or association, it would be difficult for the residents to express opportunities and challenges with a collective voice. Hall approached a group of residents to form a new neighborhood association, Halteman Village Neighborhood Association. Under Hall's leadership, the association became a 501(c)(3) that year.
When the neighborhood association learned of plans to demolish Mitchell, the association launched a "Kids not Condos" campaign to save the school. Hall led efforts that resulted in hundreds of signatures on a petition presented to the Metropolitan Redevelopment Commission Board during a meeting where Hall addressed the MRC Board with the neighborhood's concerns. Today Mitchell Early Childhood and Family Resource Center utilizes the iconic neighborhood fixture.
Shortly after that, Halteman Pool was permanently closed, and the property was purchased by a speculative buyer. Understanding the value of a community gathering space, Hall led the HVNA Board to work with the city to reclaim the property. In 2020, a public forum engaged neighbors to reimagine the park. Hall connected residents with faculty and staff in the Ball State University Landscape Architecture Department and Building Better Neighborhoods. Students helped lead the forum and presented design ideas for a new Halteman Park blueprint. Hall worked with partners, including the City of Muncie, the Indiana Housing and Community Development Association, and local foundations, to secure support for the new park. Additionally, he championed fundraising in the neighborhood to capture $30,000 in matching funds – neighbors supported the project with more than $76,000! Under the leadership of Hall, the neighborhood retains its character and has a multigenerational park to be enjoyed by residents and people of all ages from across the community.
Fellow HVNA board members wrote in Hall's nomination, "All of these major efforts to save the Halteman/Norwood neighborhood area from further decline is primarily due to one person— J.P. Hall. It is his visionary leadership, professionalism, expertise in historic preservation, and his dedication to neighborhood revitalization and community service which have contributed greatly to these successes of the Halteman/Norwood neighborhood area. If it were not for J.P., our neighborhood would certainly be in further decline."
Hall was surprised with the award during a meeting of the Board of Directors of Halteman Village Neighborhood Association on Tuesday, June 27.
Marta Moody stands on the Cardinal Greenway.
Marta was recognized with a 2023 David Sursa Leadership Award posthumously for her service to Cardinal Greenway. Photo by Matt Howell.
Moody was nominated posthumously by Cardinal Greenway for her pivotal role in long-term planning for the organization. She served as President of the Cardinal Greenway’s Board of Directors from 2012 until her passing on January 22, 2023. She led the transition of the Board and organization from one focused on the construction of a new trail to one focused on maintenance and the long-term care of a vital community asset.
During her tenure as President, Moody guided the creation of two strategic plans. In 2019, along with an advisory committee charged with creating the 2020-24 strategic plan, Moody oversaw two additional planning and support documents – a Long-Range Strategic Maintenance Plan and a working Maintenance Manual.
Her nomination also cited her commitment to raising funds to grow the Cardinal and White River Greenways, leadership in moving the Kitselman Trailhead project forward, partnership with the state government to craft the Next Level Trail program, and mentorship of other communities looking to build and grow their trail system.
Angie Pool, CEO of Cardinal Greenway, wrote, "Marta helped create a vibrant, active, supportive Board that helps the staff in every way possible. We continue to grow as an organization, continued to win awards during her years as President, and are positioning ourselves for the best future for our trail to remain here for years to come. We are a Hall of Fame Trail thanks to Marta's leadership."
A special award was presented to Cardinal Greenway in Marta's memory in a small ceremony on Monday, June 19 at the Cardinal Greenway Depot.
The Foundation reviews nominations for high-caliber community leaders that deserve recognition each year. We are pleased to share the names of the other finalists for the David Sursa Leadership Award.
Finalists for 2023 include:
Allen Johnstone, Muncie Delaware County Area Senior Citizen's Center
Terry Pence, Little Red Door Cancer Agency
The David Sursa Leadership Award was established in memory of the Foundation's first leader. As Founding President, David Sursa blazed the trail for The Community Foundation. His visionary leadership contributed significantly to the Foundation's success and the generous support it has provided to our community. The annual program rewards, recognizes, and encourages extraordinary nonprofit leadership by a board member displaying the characteristics and commitment to the community expressed by Mr. Sursa during his lifetime.
Additionally, in David Sursa's honor and commemorating the award, The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County awarded $2,500 each to Halteman Village Neighborhood Association and Cardinal Greenway.
For more information about the David Sursa Leadership Award, please visit The Community Foundation's website at cfmdin.org or contact Marcy Minton, President & CEO at mminton@cfmdin.org.