2024 Sursa Leadership Award
Jim Rosema Named Recipient of the David Sursa Leadership Award
The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County has announced that Jim Rosema received the 2024 David Sursa Leadership Award to recognize his dedicated service to Muncie Mission.
Jim Rosema poses with the 2024 David Sursa Leadership Award to recognize his dedicated service to Muncie Mission.
Jim Rosema was nominated by Muncie Mission for his role as a board member and a guiding force for nearly 34 years. During those years, Jim served in every officer position, including as President of the Board for more than a decade. His service has paralleled the Mission’s tremendous growth and encompassed significant milestones for the organization including expansion of the recycling and thrift store operations; the planning, construction and move to a new residential campus; recovery from a devastating fire; transition to new executive leadership; program additions serving women and unsheltered homeless persons; and most recently the creation of unique recovery housing.
“Along the way, Jim Rosema (and his wife Mary) have become the Mission’s leading donors, most trusted advisors, and faithful friends to neighbors in need,” wrote Frank Baldwin, Muncie Mission’s President and CEO in his nomination for Jim. “For more than 30 years Jim Rosema has served as a pillar of the Muncie Mission… His vast experience, approachable demeanor, thoughtful input, and faithful generosity easily mark him as the first call whenever leadership challenges arise.”
While Jim showed leadership throughout his service, three distinctive, formative moments identified him as a visionary leader – the relocation of campus in 2008, the transition to new executive leadership in 2014, and the development of Project Greathouse, happening today.
Project Greathouse provides transitional housing for men who have completed the residential addiction recovery program. Seven houses are complete. An additional five are slated to be completed this summer. The homes will provide 20 men a safe home within a like-minded community to make a fresh start toward a clean and sober lifestyle. As President of the Muncie Mission Board of Directors, Jim has been vital to moving this project forward. He has reviewed real estate contracts, advised on contractor selections, and monitored expenses as the project unfolded. Jim and Mary also provided the lead gift to the Project Greathouse capital campaign that has recorded over $1.2 million in gifts and pledges. It was only fitting that Jim was presented with this award during a special event to showcase the progress on Project Greathouse.
Much like David Sursa did for The Community Foundation, Jim Rosema has blazed the trail for the Muncie Mission generously offering time, talent, and treasure and setting an example of a strong nonprofit leader.
The Foundation reviews nominations for high-caliber community leaders that deserve recognition each year. We are pleased to share the names of the other finalists for the David Sursa Leadership Award. Finalists for 2024 include:
Finalists for 2024 include:
Maura Hoff, Muncie Civic Theater
Will Isaacs, Muncie Downtown Development Partnership
John Littler, Westminster Village
Mike Lunsford, YMCA of Muncie
The David Sursa Leadership Award was established in memory of the Foundation's first leader. As Founding President, David Sursa blazed the trail for The Community Foundation. His visionary leadership contributed significantly to the Foundation's success and the generous support it has provided to our community. The annual program rewards, recognizes, and encourages extraordinary nonprofit leadership by a board member displaying the characteristics and commitment to the community expressed by Mr. Sursa during his lifetime.
Additionally, in David Sursa's honor and commemorating the award, The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County awarded $2,500 to Muncie Mission.
For more information about the David Sursa Leadership Award, please visit The Community Foundation's website at cfmdin.org or contact Marcy Minton, President & CEO at mminton@cfmdin.org.